Single-line diagrams In Revit.
ElectroBIM automatically updates your single-line diagrams and calculations without leaving Revit.
No imports.
No links.
No syncs.
Just Revit.
One-Line Riser Diagrams:
ElectroBIM is an add-in for Revit that will create a one-line or riser diagram for you based upon your electrical system.
A fundamental part of the electrical design process, this one-line diagram feature in ElectroBIM will save significant Revit engineering time by allowing sheets to always have the same information and thereby eliminate duplication errors. Additionally, our feature sets provide electrical engineers consistency in their riser diagram drawings by using shared parameters that update automatically with revisions and allow for more prompt responses by architects.
Voltage Drop:
ElectroBIM is an add-in for Revit that calculates voltage drop between panels.
Advanced electrical design projects require feeders and branch circuits to maintain an acceptable voltage level. In ElectroBIM, voltage drop is calculated using the selected wire sizes, and feeder and branch circuit lengths are calculated based on equipment location in Revit. Concise documentation of the calculated values is possible with the voltage drop schedule, and engineers can see that voltage drop is monitored in all areas of the project.
Fault Calculations:
ElectroBIM is an add-in for Revit that calculates the available fault current at all of the panels and transformers in a project.
Unlike performing common manual fault calculations, ElectroBIM simplifies the process by allowing for easy location of panel and connection configurations and calculations for the available fault current of electrical equipment placed directly in the Revit model. Additionally, the fault current schedule lets engineers document the appropriate fault current and AIC rating and ensure feeder lengths provide accurate distances between panels for fault analysis.